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Salam Ramadhan everyone… Hari Raya Festival is just around the corner. When we talk about Hari Raya, duit raya is a must to me when I was small. Besides the duit raya, I also received a tips for fasting. My dad will keep the money in the sampul duit raya and will pass it to me after I ask for his forgiveness after he gets back from the Hari Raya prayer. That moment is unforgettable memory. Now, I am the second generation who did the same thing to my son. It motivates him for fasting. But everyday, he will ask about the duit raya.. how much will i get for the duit raya mummy? When will I get it mummy?

During this week, I noticed a promotion done by in its website. It’s about e-duit raya. How does it works? Well, let’s find out how…

As you log in to your maybank2u account, there will be an icon for “Send e-Duit Raya”. Just click on it, and the interface of sending e-Duit Raya will pop up like figure below.

Then, you must key in the recipient details as required. After all details have been keyed-in, click on the “next” button.

After that, you are required to request for the TAC number to proceed with the sending of e-Duit Raya.

Finally, tadaaaaaa…. The e-Duit Raya COLLECT CODE is sent to the recipient’s mobile number.

It is so easy right? So, what are you waiting for?

How about collecting the e-Duit Raya? What should they do? I’ll explain it in the next post…

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